Saturday, August 27, 2011


This post is part of the Blog-a-licious Tour, a great road trip of variety!!  The destinations are listed at the bottom of this post - visit each one and leave a comment!  Enjoy!


What can I say about this? I’ve realized that there are themes more than people that annoy me. For example, parents of single children, now I hope I don’t offend anyone with this statement, it’s just the ones I happened to have come across.

I know a total of three kids that are only children and I have had problems, or more specifically my daughters have had problems with each one of them. The most irritating thing in my experience has been that all of these parents have the same thing in common: they can’t accept that their kids can be little brats, EVER!

Naturally, being an only child you’re used to having all the attention and when you don’t get it then you have to somehow claim it. And that usually means bullying other kids or being brats in general.

That’s all I will say on that topic.

Since starting doing this whole online thing, Twitter, Facebook, blogging, I’ve also come to be annoyed by certain people, I’ll just call them Lady Macbeth (no offense to the original) and Chubby. I ‘met’ them when I joined their website (cult) last summer, at first everything was perfectly fine, I could talk about my huge crush all day long, no problem.

As time went by, I started noticing certain pattern from certain people, especially people friendly to LM. Just subtle things, like ignoring my comments or contributions, contradicting things I said or making me feel inadequate.

I thought I was just imagining things, I got a couple of personal messages telling me certain things that I found infantile, to say the very least. By this time, these people were really, really annoying me and I was wondering if it was even worth following my favorite actor if I was going to have to deal with the members of this cult.

Finally one day everything went to hell and came back. I was accused of being a problem member, that I was posting too much (in a fansite, is there such thing?), that I was doing this or not doing that.

LM tried to lecture me on how to behave properly, at which I proceeded to tell her to mind her own business. Who was she after all, to tell me, a complete stranger how to behave. The gall. At that point I had already decided I would leave the site, it was NOT worth the aggravation.

My good friend came to my defense very passionately and got kicked out of the cult immediately. Chubby made sure she was gone promptly, not after she was hackled and bullied by other cult members, coming to the defense of the site owners. I had seen enough.

Needless to say the interactions are still hostile, I basically try to ignore them, they get into cat fights every now and then and insult and annoy mostly. I’m learning to live with it. I figure the internet is a very big place and there should be room for everyone in it. There are always bullies, just like in real life. You have to deal with that. So annoying!


Corinne Rodrigues said...

Oh yes, I didn't realize too just how dirty and competitive these 'cults' can be...a microcosm of the world, really. Because I've also met the coolest people on the same sites along with the weirdos!

Karen V. Wasylowski said...

The strange thing is they are on such light hearted loving sites. You wouldn't think so many nasty people in the world. These two are to be pitied really. Great post, Pat.

maisiebird said...

I am so sorry, I had no idea you have been through so much but if it is of any comfort at all I am very familiar with these people. I personally feel free from them and couldn't care less what they say. However there are some very nice people around and we have fun with the various nice sites including your own! We have a laugh and the occasional squee! which is totally inappropriate for my age but what the heck! Lots of love to you xxxx

Unknown said...

what a gorgeous welcome to your site, yummy men!! oh great post too :)

JANU said...

People and their insecurities......nice to know about these blogging cults.I am just starting off and so have not yet come across anything like this.

Shelley Workinger said...

Hey, I was an only child! And I completely agree with what you're saying, which is why I had 2 to spare them a frustrating life. My parents both worked, so I wasn't the golden child like you talked about; I was for the most important left to fend for myself. The good part of that is, I can entertain myself for days on end with no other people if I have to, because I've had to :) (I used to play spades and play all 4 hands myself as if each were my own and I didn't know what the others had - how sad is that? But I'm really good at cards now!)
Anyway, the bad part is that I don't work well with others. Or play well with others. Or like it when others touch my stuff. College was a huge shocker for me when roommates would just borrow my clothes without asking?! Or eat my food in the fridge @#$! Onlies have no real prep for co-existing with everyone-elses and that just sets both sides up for conflict.

Patricia said...

First, thank you so much for the kind comments. Second, of course the flip side to my post is that I have also met very lovely people online! From the celebrities that we follow here, I will mention Dan Stevens, David Oakes and Luke Evans in particular, because I've had 'personal' interaction with them, to other wonderful, funny, loving, caring people. Like I said it's very much like real life, you have the nice ones and the nasty ones. Shelley, this has only been my personal experience, not indicative of every only child, but I appreciate what you say. It's sad but true, it must be hard to be an 'only' as you say. Janu, beware of the cults, they're very real and very nasty, not all, but most. Thanks to all the lovely online people I call friends now, I think you know who you are! xx
