
Friday, September 16, 2011


Thursday September 15, 2011

KEIRA Knightley had to drink vodka to pluck up the courage to shoot her spanking scene in A Dangerous Method.
The 26-year-old actress was worried about the racy sequence from the first time she read the script, and admitted she needed to have a stiff drink before filming started and admits she is not keen to repeat them.
“I did a couple of shots of vodka — definitely – beforehand, and then a couple of glasses of champagne as a celebration of never having to do that again,” she said.
The film — made by controversial director David Cronenburg — is an examination of the relationship between psychoanalysts Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud — played by Michael Fassbender and Viggo Mortensen respectively — and Keira plays Sabina Spielrein, a Russian who has an affair with Carl.
Keira was so nervous about the erotic scene, she even threatened Michael beforehand.
“I did actually say to Michael before one of the scenes, ‘I’ve got a security guard outside. You touch me and he’s gonna break your legs!’” she said.
“And he was like, ‘Keira, you’re tied to a bed. You’re not really in a position to say that.’”
For the actual scenes, Michael ended up spanking a box placed next to her. Keira was initially so wary of her spanking scenes she wasn’t sure she could take the role.
“When I first read the script, I thought, ‘The script is fascinating, and it’s David, and I really want to work with David, but I read those two scenes and just went, ‘I don’t think that I can do that,’ particularly because it’s the age of the Internet; it’s gonna be everywhere; I don’t want that out there’,” she said.
She was, however, reassured when he told her the scenes wouldn’t be “voyeuristic” or too sexy.
“I said to him, ‘Look, I love you, I love the script, I love the character, but I really don’t know that I can play those scenes’,” she added.
“He said, ‘Look, if I’m gonna do them, then they’re gonna be clinical; they’re not gonna be sexy, they’re not gonna be voyeuristic in that way.’
“And I thought, ‘OK, well I can understand that. As long as it’s clinical and it’s not some, sort of, weird sexy spanking thing.’ “

Show Biz Spy

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