
Friday, November 11, 2011

Did you miss us, dahlings? Crack open the Bolly for a new series of Ab Fab

By Lotte Jeffs
11, November 2011

Absolutely Fabulous, the greatest sitcom ever told, is returning to our screens. While Joanna Lumley and Ruby Wax reminisce about where it began, ES pays homage to Eddy and Patsy's inimitable style

Joanna Lumley

They never really go away from you, these buzzards of old characters you've played. So many of the photos I sign are of Patsy and so much of her still lingers around me. Luckily, she wasn't someone I'd completely forgotten when Jon Plowman called to say we were doing a new series, but it was quite unexpected. Getting the whole cast together 20 years on was just thrilling; Jon described it as waking up from a dream.

To get back into the role I had to get the hair right. I'd grown it to just past my shoulders and dyed it a yellowish colour as though poor old Pats had had a go at it. Everyone's got a bit older, apart from June Whitfield who just gets younger. The strangest thing was looking around and seeing Bubble [Jane Horrocks], who's been Little Voice, and Julia [Sawalha], who's now run-ning a post office in Lark Rise to Candleford, but it didn't take long for us to get back into it. It was like going back to school and going, 'Oh my God, remember that!' The house is the same but it's been redecorated. Edina's bedroom is all done up and still filled with hopeless designer clothes.

So what have Eddy and Patsy been up to over the past six years? The recession has caught up with them. Patsy never had any money anyway, she lived off Eddy, but I think Eddy, with her way of spending like a kicking horse, must have reached the bottom of the barrel pretty much and done a lot on credit and a lot on blagging her way through things at a pinch. But they always find a way to keep the party going.

Patsy's favourite shop in London has always been Harvey Nicks, but she and Eds are like butterflies, always flitting off to the latest place. They have a very, very good shopping spree in South Molton Street in episode one - they really shop that place rigid - and they are now very keen on Stella McCartney. As for restaurants, Patsy doesn't care where she dines because she doesn't eat. As long as there are good-looking waiters and a ready supply of drink she's happy. It's Edina who has to work out what the cool clubs are - she and Patsy are very into Mahiki.

Because we always went straight on to the next thing, even when people say lines to me I don't recognise them. But I laugh out loud at my favourite episodes. We both loved filming the one in France in which Patsy and Eds were too stupid (or too vain) to try to speak French and lived in a ghastly stinking little hovel with flies and gnats, playing ping pong, while their château was up the road, and they went on a catastrophic wine tasting. So many of the episodes had things in them that were just hysterical to film. I mean, being dragged away in black bin bags on a barge on the river having been thrown out like old rubbish. We laughed and laughed.

We never have enough time to rehearse all the lines, but the audience are so forgiving. We have always filmed in front of a live audience. The location bits are filmed externally but the footage is played to the audience on the night, in sequence. It's very jittery, but they love being there and don't seem to care if things go wrong. And they never tire of those Patsy catchphrases like 'Cheers, sweetie' and 'Thanks a lot'.

I don't know if this is the last you'll see of Pats and Eds. After series two we didn't do another for five years. But I wouldn't bank on this being the very end.

Ruby Wax
Script editor and Beth DeWoody

On my Channel 4 chat show Don't Miss Wax in the late 1980s, I created a sketch in which Joanna Lumley played herself as a once-great actress who had lost it and now had no employment. My character broke into her house with a camera crew and found her snorting Ajax, living with cats and re-enacting Purdey in the toilet. People wrote in to say how shocked they were at how Joanna Lumley lived. They didn't understand it was a joke. An even more exaggerated version of that character eventually became Patsy.

Absolutely Fabulous was Jennifer Saunders' original idea but we both knew who it was based on - a fashion PR called Lynne Franks. We knew that world very well. Patsy was my favourite character and right from the start I would add twists to her life - Jennifer will say I made her funnier, but honestly, I didn't have to. I know where Jennifer's going with a joke, so I can twist it up a little and if she laughs, I know I'm on to something.

She'd never take offence at any of the comments I make on her script. The way I see it is I'm just adding whipped cream to an already delicious sundae. The way we work is that Jennifer sends a script and I say where it's weak. I never say I don't think something works, I go on with the scene and keep it spiralling. What's within the realms of possibility for these characters has never been a consideration. The day before filming we get together and I improvise, that's how late she leaves it. She's a genius.

Other than Bubble, my favourite smaller character was Kathy Burke's Magda, the magazine editor. She's hilarious to write. I also loved Mo Gaffney [who played Bo Turtle - Eddy's ex-husband's new wife, a Christian fundamentalist]. She was my sidekick on my chat show and developed the character of Bo, then we just transposed her into Ab Fab. I shouldn't really mention the menopausal maniac Beth DeWoody I played in series four because there is a real Beth DeWoody [an American socialite]. I thought she'd be flattered but she went crazy and never spoke to me again. The character wasn't based on her exactly, I just used the name. I mean, it's a great name. But she really wasn't happy.
Ab Fab has some of the best lines I ever wrote. Beth DeWoody had a great one about having a clitorectomy because of a hand fan. I'm never as funny as I am with Jennifer. It's like playing tennis with a pro. ES

Lines to make you snort

'Sometimes you need a soupçon of guilt to make carte blanche depravity taste that little bit better.'

'I've spent a fortune trying to get in touch with my sexual being. Do you remember I spent that week celebrating my private parts, do you remember, darling?' Edina

'We can't all just wrap ourselves in a little old cheese rind like you, can we, darling, and mature like an old piece of Gouda our whole lives, can we, sweetie.' Edina

'We've got some lovely cooking pots coming in from Somalia. I mean they don't need them, they've got no food to put in them after all.' Edina

'The last mosquito that bit me had to book into the Betty Ford clinic.' Patsy

'Smoke can't touch the baby, if it could, you'd have come out looking like prosciutto, believe me.' Edina to Saffy

'They weren't porn movies, they were just cheeky fun.' Patsy

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