Sunday, November 13, 2011

This much I know: Judi Dench

The actor, 76, on fearing worms, living with her grandson and exercising tomorrow

Dame Judy Dench
"I’ve only taught my grandson how to put money on a horse and to open a bottle of champagne properly": Dame Judi Dench. Photograph: Jonathan Hordle/Rex Features
I'm very frightened of worms, ever since one jumped into my sandal when I was a little girl. I can get on with a snake, just not worms. And I hate the dark; I used to get claustrophobic in the cinema.

I have worse nerves now, 54 years after entering this business, than when I started. I'm never confident about the work I do and I'm very, very reliant on a director. Everything I do, there's always something that jumps up and hits me in the eye.

It is rather difficult to play the introverted. I once did a play called A Pack of Lies with my late husband Michael about a quiet woman who lived in Ruislip. The whole time I was doing it, I just wanted to walk down the stairs and say: "My Lord Cumberland!" very loudly. They're the parts I'm more used to.

Of course I've got a temper, but not many people have seen it. If I ever behaved like my character M in the Bond series, my marriage would not have lasted 30 years.

One thing I have come to learn about love is that you should never, ever take each other for granted. If I could have something written in pokerwork on my wall, that would be it. Michael and I made the effort each time, and the rewards were splendid.

Ever since my grandson Sammy has been living with me, I have noticed that teenagers like to come and lie about the house like puppies. But then he probably thinks me erratic. My fear is that I have only taught him how to put money on a horse and to open a bottle of champagne properly.

The problem with having a dog, four cats, two guinea pigs, 12 water voles, two goldfish, a hamster and two field mice is that you can't get them all out at the same time. Certainly not. Somebody might eat somebody.

It's wonderful to get an award, but as John Gielgud once said, the next day you've got to start getting better. It would be very easy to let our feet get stuck in the sand.

The current love of my life is my horse Smokey Oakey. I like it when he wins, but the bit I like best is when I know he's safe, having some hay at Newmarket.

Why don't I want to retire? Because if I retire I think I should fall over. You've got to keep learning. I think everybody should take the time to recite two lines of something every day. I've also just taken up sudoku – bloody difficult, isn't it.

I'm a great prankster on set, but I couldn't tell you about it because it's only for the actors. I like to laugh. I like to have fun. But I cry a lot at work. I'm very, very sad when something is over.

Am I an exerciser? Not in the slightest. I drink champagne. I'll start exercising tomorrow.

Dame Judi Dench stars in My Week With Marilyn, in cinemas from 25 November

The Guardian

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