
Friday, December 23, 2011

Gerard Butler survives surfing (15 minutes)

World mourns almost loss of actor

THE CELEBRITY world is reeling from news that actor Gerard Butler has been saved from a near-death experience while filming a surf movie. Butler – lantern-jawed star of homoerotic CGI Greek-fest 300 – had been shooting an open-ocean action scene on Sunday when he was knocked off his surfboard by the series of large waves that are the better actors in his most recent film, Of Men and Mavericks.

Butler was pulled underwater and dragged across a rocky reef by the force of the “mavericks” – treacherous waves triggered by a notoriously unpredictable tidal break off the coast of northern California. The accident came out of the blue. US film-makers are now celebrating their first brush with irony.

The Scottish actor had been following in the footstraps of whitewater dilettantes Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze when he met his untimely non-end. Cinema fans are only just beginning to come to terms with his survival. Butler – who plays the character of salty ocean-going veteran Jay Moriarty, possibly Sherlock Holmes’s surfing nemesis – was eventually plucked from the sea by a lifeguard and transported to A&E, dazed but not seriously injured.

“[He] had that 100-yard stare that surfers get after a two-wave hold-down or near-death experience,” sources [may have] told ESPN. Drafted in for filming, proper surfer Zach Wormhoudt added that the waves had appeared out of nowhere. See above.

Unusual underwater rock formations at Mavericks, off the coast of Pillar Point, can lead to the unusual break, which after particularly Pacific strong storms can produce cresting waves of up to 25ft in height.

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