
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Henry Cavill Shares His Knowledge On Mark Millar's Red Son!

Henry Cavill really is working hard to become the iconic Man Of Steel. During an in-depth interview with LA's HeroComplex the british actor discussed the source material he used to prepare for the role. Hit the jump...

LA HeroComplex recently scored an in-depth interview with the new "Man Of Steel" Henry Cavill.
To check out the entire interview, simply head over to HeroComplex's website by Clicking Here!
One thing is for sure this guy is really working hard on embodying a true and faithful Superman!
"Oh, yes, I’ve done my research. I stocked up on source material and buried my head in it for a while …. I didn’t see a lot of comic books growing up. At boarding school there wasn’t much time for much of anything except education. Up until I was 13 [before I arrived at Stowe School] it wasn’t so bad, but at boarding school you are there and there’s a small village nearby but you are not getting to stop by a shop on the way home to buy a book. I mean, you might get a chance to watch a little TV at some stage of the day but otherwise you’re in class, studying, eating, playing sports or sleeping. I didn’t get a chance to indulge in comics as a kid, which I’m actually quite happy about because as an adult I get to read the best of it. I can pick up a whole series and read them in one go, too, I don’t have to wait a week or a month for the next issue to come out. It’s like watching a box set of a TV show, you can go nonstop. I like sitting there and diving in until I’m brain dead. And I do enjoy them; as an adult I have retained my sense of wonder and love of stories and fantasy world. I really liked “Death of Superman” and “Return of Superman,” those are my favorite ones, and “The New 52” is great stuff and “Earth One,” although I know people think that is a mixed bag. With “Red Son,” I thought it was interesting as a different perspective. It was out there and I like that. It was essential to my character research, too. When you’ve got two polar opposite viewpoints of the same character, you will see what the authors consider the important baseline trend. I got to see that and see the different ways he would have developed and that was very useful to me. And because we are retelling the story and we are doing our own reinvention and a modernization for the screen, I get the opportunity to add my own interpretation of how he developed. So that was cool to look at “Red Son” and see what changed, what didn’t change and what that reveals about the baseline of Superman. You can find what is essential to Superman and what is nature vs. nurture by locating that baseline."

Clark Kent is a journalist in his twenties who was adopted as a child by Martha and Jonathan Kent when he was transported to Earth from the alien planet Krypton. Kent, raised with the values of his adoptive parents, feels alienated because of his unique super abilities and struggles to find his place in life. When the world is attacked, he becomes the hero Superman to protect its people.

Man Of Steel is scheduled to hit cinemas June 14th, 2013.

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