Friday, December 9, 2011

Kate Winslet invited back to Necker for Christmas

Stacey King
Kate and NEdSplash
Sir Richard Branson has apparently invited actress Kate Winslet and his wackily named nephew Ned Rocknroll to return to his private island Necker for the festive season.

Kate hooked up with Ned, pictured with her left, after they both spent time on the Caribbean island back in the summer - and when Kate famously carried Sir Richard's mum to safety as the house was engulfed in flames.

And now the Virgin tycoon has reportedly invited the pair of them to spend Christmas and New Year on the island as the house is fixed up in advance of his daughter Holly's wedding there early next year.

The Mirror quoted a source as saying: "Richard's invited her and the kids back to thank her for her bravery in saving his mother."

We imagine they'll have to fly the sprouts in, as they probably don't grow locally

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