
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Luke Evans | 'Tamara Drewe' Interview | MySpace

'Tamara Drewe' star, Luke Evans: Exclusive Interview
Posted on October 7, 2010

(I know, I know, it's an old interview, but it's so lovely!! Couldn't help myself!)

By Chapin Young, Myspace Celebrity Editor

Do you know the name Luke Evans? Maybe not, but if you've seen 'Clash of the TItans,' 'Robin Hood' or any good West End theater in the last several years you may have laid your lovely eyes on his handsome face. Either way, we don't want you to feel like you're missing out on knowing who the next big star is, so we've interviewed him for you. (And when we say "next big star," we mean it. He's starring opposite Jessica Biel as Vivaldi in the biopic on Vivaldi's life, called 'Vivaldi.' He's also starring in 'Immortals' as Zeus opposite Kellan Lutz's Poseidon and Freida Pinto's Phaedra, and as one of the Musketeers 'Three Musketeers.') You don't have to wait for those huge blockbusters to come out to see him though. Currently you can see Luke in 'Tamara Drewe' and see what all the fuss is about.

Oh and make sure you imagine his answers in a charming British accent...

Hey Luke, how are ya?
I’m good, how are you?

Good! Where are you right now?
We’re in the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles and it’s absolutely boiling outside and we’re stuck inside. I don’t much like being inside when it’s sunny outside.

So, I want us to get to know you, and I don’t want to give away a lot about the movie, so I’m going to ask you personal questions that actually do relate to the movie, but the readers won’t know exactly how until they go see it. Okay?

Okay, here we go then! First question, do you have any personal experience with cows?

Oh, no, no I don’t. We used to go to cattle markets when I was a little kid, with my mum and dad. We used to go to local towns and markets and we used to go to a cattle market and that’s my only experience with the big bovines.

How do you feel about being called a 'sex object'?

Oh, I don’t know anything about being a sex object. I can’t have an opinion on that. Whatever happens, if somebody calls me that I shall take it as a compliment, I think it’s absolutely hilarious. If my mum were here she’d laugh her head off.

Ever been in a fist fight?

With Dominic? (Ed. note - Dominic Cooper, his 'Tamara Drewe' co-star, who I also interviewed, coming soon!) Oh, no I haven’t actually. No, I’ve never been. I come from a family who are pacifists, they’d walk away from a fight and so I think that’s a good quality. Yeah, I’m not a fighter. I mean I’d stand up for myself if I had to but most of the time you can calm a situation down before it gets to that point.

What sort of teenager were you?

I was quite rebellious. I was very rebellious. I used to take days off of school and bunk off school all the time. I used to write my own sick notes, used to write my own absent notes, oh god I was a nightmare, nightmare!

Who or what were you obsessed with as a teenager?

I remember I had my first CD player, and my mum and dad bought me my first CD and it was like a compilation CD and it had all of the people from the eighties, all the British people like Haywoode, Rick Astley, Belinda Carlisle, Kylie (Minogue) and Jason (Donovan) and Sybil and all of those Stock Aitken Waterman (music producers) kids that all created all of these singers. But I didn’t really have an idol or anything. Being an only child I never really had an idol, I was always just sort of happy totting along on my own. I was quite a cheerful little kid.

When you’re an only child you also don’t really have older siblings influencing you to think people are cool.

Yeah, exactly! And I never had that. I remember my best friend’s older sister was obsessed with Michael Jackson and it made him obsessed with Michael Jackson. And yeah, the older siblings often dictate who you end up being fascinated with. And then I remember another friend, a girlfriend of mine she was obsessed with Kurt Cobain. And I remember she used to dress in black and I never understood it because my dad listens to The Drifters and all the old stuff, so I have much more knowledge of the older stuff than I do the more modern music of my childhood.

What sort of domestic and outdoorsy skills do you have?

Oh, I have loads. I’m very, very good at manual stuff. I repair plenty. It’s funny because my dad is a bricklayer and my mum’s a gardener and so we’re quite manual people. And so I guess I’ve gained that quality. I don’t usually have to ask anyone for help with any manual things, I can usually pick it up even if I don’t know how to do it, I usually work it out myself, I’ve been very lucky with that.

Have you ever killed an animal for food?

No, I’ve never had to kill an animal for food, apart from choosing a lobster out of a restaurant tank. Even then, I didn’t have to kill it. Somebody else did. Um, and I’d never plucked a goose either. I actually went on YouTube and found somebody plucking a goose, “How to pluck a goose” on Youtube. And the night before I shot the scene where I pluck the goose and found copious clips of people plucking geese. (Ed. note: we found the videos he probably watched, but we shall spare you the linkage!)

Have you ever spied on anybody?

Have I ever spied on anybody? Ummmm, I don’t think I have, no. I guess while eavesdropping I kind of have. But that’s impossible because I’ve got a Welsh mother and that’s what we do. We like to gossip and eavesdrop, so I guess I’ve picked that up. (Laughs) I am quite nosy, but no, I’ve never spied on anyone.

Have you ever done anything grand for anyone like re-do their entire house?

I bought my mum and dad their house and I bought them their neighbor’s house. They had horrible neighbors. And so when their neighbors…well, oh my god they were horrible, yeah, they were horrible neighbors, basically. So when they put their house up for sale I bought it and now they have lovely neighbors because they’re in charge of who is in there. So, that’s the grandest thing I ever did.

That’s so nice!!! K, so, this question is totally unrelated to the film, but I saw that you have a lot of musical theater experience in London’s West End (the equivalent of Broadway in London), I have to ask…would you ever consider being on 'Glee' like other musical theater stars such as Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff and Cheyenne Jackson?

Um, yeah, I guess I would. It’s quite funny. I’ve seen a few episodes. It’s not really my cup of tea, but I know everyone is obsessed with it. I’m often the anti to everything that’s popular. It’s not that I don’t like it. If they offered me a guest part in it, absolutely, why not? It’d be fun.

Are you the type of person who, if everyone is bananas about a movie or book or something, your reaction is to not want to have anything to do with it?

I often am the devil’s advocate in those situations. I remember when 'Harry Potter' first came out and 'Lord of the Rings' I didn’t see it until it came onto DVD, and everybody went to see it and I didn’t. I didn’t feel the compulsion to go and see what everybody else was seeing. It’s funny, I’m a huge fan of 'Lord of the Rings,' I’ve watched it copious amounts since. But, yeah, I guess I am one of those people, a salmon that swims downstream when all the rest are swimming up.

I don’t know where you’ll be, but are you going to dress up for Halloween?

This is a very American thing dressing up. In th UK, we don’t really do all that, the kids do it, but adults don’t do it. I know it’s a huge event here, isn’t it, all over America. I think it’s brilliant and I wish we did do it, and I wish I had a costume to wear. What day is Halloween?

October 31st.

October 31st I shall be back in Bavaria shooting 'The Three Musketeers,' so I will be in costume actually, I’ll be in a Musketeer costume!

Well there you go!

Make sure you check out 'Tamara Drewe' in theaters!

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