
Monday, January 23, 2012

Downton Abbey, Season 2 Episode 3 (I think) (Slate)

Posted Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012, at 10:16 PM ET


Is it dusty in here? I seem to be misting up.
When Mary at last glimpses Matthew—after fearing him dead—a wave of joyful relief crashes across her face. Moments later, it gives way to a confused, bittersweet expression. This is Mary realizing just how much she loves Matthew, and that to give her heart to any other would be in some way a lie. Which is very sad, as she’s recently announced her plans to marry Sir Richard.

To me, this was the most richly emotional moment of the season so far. For one, I am unable to resist the romance of star-crossed lovers, set to old-time music, in period costumes. But it’s more than that. June, you say Thomas stirs your soul. As for me, I find there’s something about Mary.

She’s worldly, shrewd, and a little bit naughty, but in the end she’s a sucker for love just like the rest of us. Mary’s the one I want to sneak outside the party with, and share a soulful cigarette as we rap about the mysteries of life and this crazy universe. But I fear she’s destined to join Sir Richard in a marriage that’s more partnership than passion.

Meanwhile, poor William doesn’t get nearly the welcome that Matthew does. Was that a slight softening on Daisy’s face? Or was she just dreading the enactment of further charades?
When Matthew first mentioned taking William along to the front as a “soldier-servant,” I had to look up the concept to understand what it meant. According to The World War I Reader, soldier-servant was actually a coveted position. It came with special privileges and luxuries. Fine, I guess. But it still seems horribly unfair. The kid faces equal risk of death and/or trench foot, yet in his spare time he makes your tea and shines your shoes? Fie on that! Just because it works at a country house doesn’t mean it should carry over to the Dardanelles.

To read the entire article:

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