
Monday, January 16, 2012

Emma Thompson Discovered Naked In A Field (E)

Kayleigh Dray On January 15, 2012

Apparently it's a normal thing for her...

Emma Thompson Discovered Naked In A Field
Photo: WENN

Fans of the Jonathan Ross Show will have listened agog as Emma Thompson recounted how she was mistaken for a man while walking through a field near her holiday home in Scotland.

And, as if that weren't strange enough, she was walking through the field completely starkers!

The Oscar winning actress is apparently quite partial to a nude stroll and, on this occasion, was spotted by a dog walker, who mistook her for an intruder and phoned the police.

She was initially terrified when she was awoken by a policeman telling her of the intruder fears, immediately picturing a naked axeman hiding in the bushes. It wasn't until her daughter made the connection that reality settled in.

"As he backed off, I was thinking, he's going to go back to the station and he's going to say, You see that Emma Thompson? Her t**s must be so low that from a distance they read as testicles" laughed Emma.

Each to their own, we say!

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