
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Hobbit: Police called to 'The Hobbit' casting call (NME)

January 30, 2012 12:22 
Overwhelming numbers lead to event being shut down
Police called to 'The Hobbit' casting call
A casting call looking for extras for The Hobbit has been shut down over safety concerns.

Police were called to the open auditions in New Zealand after an overwhelming number of hopefuls turned up, causing doors to be closed early.

Senior Sergeant Steve Braybrook told NZ Newswire: "There was enough concern that the police attend," before confirming that the organiser of the event at Belmony Hall in Lower Huttt decided to "call it quits"

It was reportedly the location of the hall near a main highway that led to concern for the safety of the gathering crowds.

Senior Sergeant Braybrook said that the manner in which people were queuing, together with some parking the other side of the highway and then crossing it to get to the venue, contributed to the early closure.
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