Why was Fassbender left off the list, despite a performance that was well-loved by everyone and featured the type of risks (full-frontal nudity) that usually point to Oscar gold?
Well, he might have been a victim of his own endowment.
Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/26/michael-fassbenders-penis_n_1233893.html
Lost in all the hysterics over Albert Brooks's unbelievable snub by the Academy Awards on Tuesday morning was the fact that Michael Fassbender got dinged too! After all, the breakout leading man -- who appeared in four movies in 2011, including "X-Men: First Class," "Jane Eyre" and "A Dangerous Method" -- was expected to earn Oscar plaudits for his bracing work in "Shame," the sex addiction drama from Steve McQueen.