
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Daniel Radcliffe" Alan Rickman is closest to him of his mentors from the Potter series ( - Jonathan Dekel)

In Radcliffe's mind, the present is already the past and he's anxious. He comes across as having a shark mentality – keep moving forward or drown.

"The next couple of years for me is going to be about finding people to work with who are going to push me because I've never trained," he says, maintaining intense eye-contact. "The only way I'm going to get better is by taking risks and working with people who I think are going to improve me. So that's what the next couple of years are going to be about. "

For now, the immediate future means focusing on his upcoming role as poet Allen Ginsberg in the upcoming Kill Your Darlings, which begins shooting in March.

And while he's "terrified but very excited" for that role, the young actor with more money than the royal couple has his eye on working with a fellow Brit: Russell Brand.

"I always thought he'd be fantastically entertaining and fun to work with," Radcliffe enthuses.

And what of his former Potter pals?

Radcliffe says that, of all this potential mentors from the shoot, he's remained closest with Alan Rickman, who played Severus Snape in the series of films.

"Alan Rickman came and saw the show twice and took me out for dinner," he says before catching himself boasting and turning to humorous self-deprecation. "He [relayed] some pieces of advice but you know some things sound amazing in Alan Rickman's voice and if I said them to you they wouldn't have nearly the impact, but when he said them to me it seemed quite profound."

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