
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hugh Grant struggles to show 'dark' emotions on film (AZ Central)

Hugh feels he is ''to blame'' for his typecasting as a bumbling English gentleman because the success of 1994's 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' made him feel that was what people wanted to see from him.

He told Total Film magazine: ''Typecasting is partly my fault. I signed up to a few films before 'Four Weddings', two or three of which had diffident Englishmen parts and I didn't sign out of doing those films after I became successful.

"So it's partly to my credit, fulfilling my obligations, but it's also to my discredit that my sudden success with 'four Weddings' made me think, 'Oh everyone likes me being that bumbly person' and that bled into my real life. ''I look back at some of the interviews I did in America in those years and I wince. I think, 'What the (expletive) were you doing that for you (expletive)?'

''So it's likely that I'm to blame for some of the deep rut of typecasting I fell into at that point.''

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