
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Alan Rickman: Four way tie- his best villainous roles (THE UNIVERSITY OBSERVER)

Fatal Fourway – Worst Villains Played by Alan Rickman
Contributed by Dermot O'Rourke, Film Editor, Aoife Valentine, Otwo Editor, George Morahan, Otwo Editor and Jon Hozier-Byrne, Editor on Thursday, 1 March 2012T

Dermot – Hans Gruber in Die Hard
There is no denying Alan Rickman’s level of awesomeness is unparalleled. It is his general superiority over you and everyone else that has allowed him to portray of some of the best on-screen villains ever. But I think we can all agree that of all Alan Rickmans’s villains, the best is, of course, none other than Die Hard’s Hans Gruber. Gruber had masterminded the perfect plan to steal bearer bonds from the vault of the Nakatomi Corporation before Bruce Willis’ John McClane yippy-ki-ayed himself in the way to put a damper on proceedings.

Despite that the Grubes really has the all the admirable qualities of a great villain. He is calm (when you don’t have his detonators), calculating, and appreciates a fine suit. When certain people are uncooperative with his efficient plan he has no trouble dispatching them without hesitation. After executing the President of the Nakatomi Corporation, Mr. Tagaki, he dryly delivers the most cutting – if not the most villainous – line in cinematic history, “[Mr. Tagaki] will not be joining us for the rest of his life.” Cue mass hysteria. Only a villain with the slick style of The Grubester could cause that much panic with such a delightfully evil quip.

Vote Grubesy for the win!

Read about Alan's other magnificent and despicable roles:

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