
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sean Bean Interview: Terrorism Around Us, How He Relaxes And Finding His Groove (HUFFINGTON POST)

If I could have a penny for every time I've watched Sean Bean pick up a gun (or bow and arrow if he's got his toga on for Game of Thrones/Lord of the Rings/anything with Sharpe in it), look meaningfully into the semi-distance and plot a one-man revenge for the way the world has turned against him, I'd... be able to buy Patriot Games on DVD. Twice.

Everything Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham have learnt, the original British tough man has already forgotten.

Why never a romantic lead, I wonder? "I like what I do, and it appears to be working out," he chuckles. Which is fair enough, when you think how many millions he must have made from bulked-up, narrow-eyed appearances in everything from Lord of the Rings to Sharpe, via Patriot Games and Lady Chatterley's Lover (the last one a bit worryingly romantic, but ultimately doomed, thankfully).

So it comes as something of a surprise to find him, in person, disarmingly gentle, full of northern shyness and an apparently authentic humility. No middle-distance, shrewd appraisals, or any of the suspicion on which he has built a substantial career of two decades and counting. My respect for him as an actor just went up.

He's here to talk about his latest - guess what - terrorist thriller, filmed on the streets of London and concerning the security services' worst nightmare, a crime about to occur, but attributable to someone nowhere on their files - a 'Cleanskin'.

Read further:

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