
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ciaran Hinds On For New Suspense thriller He's joining Eric Bana & Rebecca Hall 12 April 2012 | Written by James White | Source: Focus Features (EMPIRE)

Back in February, the first word broke about Boy A director John Crowley’s new, untitled suspense thriller, when it snagged the services of Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall in the lead roles. It still doesn’t have a final name, but the movie does at least now boast a supporting cast, with Ciaran Hinds, Riz Ahmed, Kenneth Cranham, Jim Broadbent, Anne-Marie Duff and Julia Stiles all on board.

 The script is by Eastern Promises writer Steve Knight (which gives us high hopes for its quality), and the plot finds Hall and Bana as legal eagles who also happen to be former lovers. They’ve largely steered clear of each other, but when they're paired as part of the defence team on a high-profile terrorism case, loyalties are tested and nerves are set on edge as their lives are put at risk. We’re going to guess that barrister's wigs are disturbed, but that’s entirely speculation at this point.


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