
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sean Bean: ‘Missing,’ Season 1, Episode 7, ‘A Measure of a Man’: TV Recap MISSING (WALL STREET JOURNAL)

This episode sacrifices some of the series’ usual breakneck pace of action to focus on plot.

Much of the episode involves the CIA’s “Operation Songbird” that then-agents Paul and Becca Winstone conducted in Vienna in 1999, when their son was a boy. We get the story through flashbacks as well as Becca’s narration during an interrogation—in an undisclosed location–by CIA official Jamie Ortega, who suspects her of working with a network of rogue agents, and through the narration of Martin, the Winstones’ then-case officer.

 Martin is aiding CIA agents investigating the disappearance of the Winstones’ son, Michael, now 18, which occurred in the first episode. Jamie suspects Becca because her husband, Paul, believed to have been killed in an explosion 10 years earlier, was discovered to be alive in previous episodes.

 The CIA believes Paul is part of a vast network of rogue former agents from many countries that is involved in selling drugs and diamonds as well as in human trafficking. That network is headed by a long-sought “Suspect Zero.”


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