
Friday, May 4, 2012

Colin Firth: Being good looking just makes life much harder, claims Oscar winning actor Colin Firth By RHIANNON EVANS (MAIL ON LINE)

With his dashing good looks, he has won millions of hearts – and even an award for being Britain’s most attractive man.

So Colin Firth is probably better placed than most of us to know what a burden it is to be beautiful. Despite his successful film career, the Oscar-winning actor claims that good looks can actually be a hindrance in today’s image-obsessed society.

He said: ‘There was a time when a beautiful person was considered something fine and to be celebrated. ‘Now a beautiful person is assumed to be shallow and flaky. If you are beautiful in today’s society, you are presumed to have no substance. ‘I think a lot of talented and very bright people who are also physically beautiful have to work very hard if they don’t want to just lean on their looks.

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1 comment:

  1. the question on The talks was: Mr. Firth has Hollywood and the fashion world changed the way people approach beauty?
