
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tom Hiddleston: Story of a Five Year Old Avenger, Meeting The Avengers Submitted by Joseph Valenti on May 14, 2012 – 10:26 AM (geek watch)

How It Happened

Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true, told from the point of view of proud father, Erin.

The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.

August 31st, 2011 – My wife Jill, 5 year old son Edison and I return to New York City from vacation.

September 1st, 2011 – My wife goes to work, while I have the day off.  My son and I go to see Captain America: The First Avenger.  It was my third time seeing the film, while it was the second for Edison.

September 2nd, 2011 – I go to work and get to leave early since a three day weekend is coming.  I go home, and kick back while my wife and son were spending a fun mother/son day in the city.  I, being the nerd that I am, go online to see what was up in the world of comic book movies and discovered that The Avengers was filming in Central Park.  I immediately called my wife.

So my wife, carrying four bags of school supplies, and my son make their way to Central Park East.  I should mention that at this point my son, having seen Captain America the day before, was carrying around his Captain America shield with him as any good, superhero-loving youngster would.  My wife was annoyed that she had to carry it for him throughout the day, wondering why on earth he brought it with him.

Luckily, it’s a good thing he brought it.

They walk around a bit, seeing various trailers and film equipment.   Then my son sees a car and recognizing the insignia on the side says to his mom, “That’s Nick Fury’s car!”  Indeed, it’s a S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle, so my wife told him to stand next to it while she took a picture.  Immediately, grips and guys in suits run over “Excuse me!  You can’t take a picture of this car without—” and upon seeing my son with his shield, kind of shrug and acquiesce, “Oh, okay.  Go ahead.”

They walk around some more.  My wife notices that grips are telling gawkers that they’re shooting a commercial.  She gives the grip a look that says, “Really?  That’s the story you’re telling?”  The grips shrug, giving her a knowing smile, “Yes, it’s The Avengers.”  Suddenly, about fifty feet away, two very tall, colossal men walk out, having a conversation and minding their own business.  That’s when all hell breaks loose:  Fifty feet away are Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston in full Thor and Loki costumes respectively.

Cameras come out, flashes go off, and the grips go in to panic mode trying to shoo everyone away.  My wife (who is about 5 foot even) puts my son on her shoulders to get a better look.  The grip who talked to my wife is telling everyone “Go!  Go!” pushing the crowd in one direction. Then, he turns and gives my wife a look and motions over his shoulder in the other direction, saying “Go!”  Taking the cue, Jill goes past him and heads towards the Norse Gods.  By this point, Chris Hemsworth was walking away, so my son shouted out “Thor!”  Thor turned around, smiled, waved and left.  But there was Loki, the God of Mischief.  He saw my son, and smiled.

“Hi, Loki!” my wife said (100% sure she didn’t know Tim Hiddleston’s name).  “Can my son get a picture with you?” she asked.

“Can I put him on my shoulders?” Loki asks.

“Um … okay?” is Jill’s response and hands Tom Hiddleston our son.  He hoists him up on to his shoulders (I should mention that this guy is like 8 feet tall), and my wife takes out her Blackberry, only to find that it’s on its last battery leg.  Nonetheless she manages to get a couple of shots.  Hiddleston puts Edison down, shakes his hand and says goodbye.

All in all, a good day.  But wait … there’s more.


1 comment:

  1. Excelent! I loved this history. Tom Hiddleston seems to be very nice person....and handsome too. I´m his fan in Brazil. I liked very much to know the history of your photo with him. Thanks a lot!

