
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Benedict Cumberbatch: Parades End: BBC Drama due Autumn 2012 (SCOOP IT)

Righ-to, listen men, I've just finished the fourth book of Parades End. Ruddy hell, the dialogue was a b----y nightmare, written all over the shop like a manic stream of conciousness from each character's point of view and switching from the internal working of one mind to another just like -THAT- thought I was going mad when he was in the trenches, it really was very good.

 So, Mr Cumberbatch is playing Christopher Tietjens. WHAT a character. As probably 90% of the book is written from the thought processes of each character and only interspersed with the occasional spoken line, Tom Stoppard must have had a hell of a time converting it into understandable dialogue. Think Atonement, only twenty years earlier and with staccato dialogue like machine gun fire (raat ta tat ta tat!)


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