Saturday, June 30, 2012

Michael Fassbender is James Bond ; Very neat mash-up video presenting Michael Fassbender as the next JAMES BOND. Again, Youtube is better than the actual movie

Here's a YouTube mashup that is a little too much fun to ignore: Michael Fassbender as secret agent 007 in Christopher Nolan's James Bond (as edited together by one inspired internet film enthusiast).

Industry prognosticators have suggested that Skyfall will be Daniel Craig's final go as 007, so speculation has already begun as to who'll replace him. There ain't a person alive who isn't delighted to have Fassbender taking more prominent roles in Hollywood, and the time is nigh for him to land a major franchise where he's the star. (Magneto doesn't count; he may be the best performer in those films, but when January Jones is in a white fur hat and go-go boots it's hard to determine who's the real star.)

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