
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sir Kenneth Branagh reveals why he is ready to graciously accept his knighthood By LIZ THOMAS (MAIL ON LINE)

Humbled: Kenneth and his wife, pictured last week at the Cartier Polo

Sir Kenneth Branagh has revealed age and experience are behind his decisions to embrace his Knighthood after declining his CBE.

The actor declined the Commander of the British Empire honour in 1994 when he was in his mid-thirties.

This week the 51-year-old was knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, and he admitted he now felt it would be churlish to turn down one of the highest accolades in British society.

He said: ‘I was genuinely shocked when I got it. I didn’t know what it was all about. I had to consider it. I rejected the CBE.

'But at this stage in my life, my practise is, if people are kind enough to acknowledge what you do it seems polite not to say, “Thank you very much”.

‘The business I am in, we are very lucky. At the end of every stage performance the audience all applaud me for doing my job, but I have friends who work in offices who don’t get that.

Sir Kenneth added that he had been sworn to secrecy and had only told his wife, Lindsay, and admitted he even worried his response had got lost in the post.

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