
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tom Hiddleston: Dedicated fans want actor Tom Hiddleston declared Sexiest Man Alive in People magazineJune 26, 2012. 11:30 pm • Section: The Cine Files (MONTREAL GAZETTE)

Two dedicated and determined fans of British actor Tom Hiddleston have launched an all-out campaign to get him into the 2012 Sexiest Man Alive contest run by People magazine.

 It’s true that Hiddleston is tall, and handsome, with blue eyes that send his fans swooning, (and swooning is a word that they use a lot, along with melting and other falling-apart type words.

 And if you don’t think he’s handsome you need to look at more photos, or videos, that’s all I have to say.) Hiddleston’s hair is naturally blond and curly, though he wore it long, dark and straight when he played Loki, the Norse God of Mischief in the movies Thor and The Avengers. Some fans have got a double crush going on at the same time for the actor and the character.

 The role of Loki increased Hiddleston’s worldwide profile considerably, though he was also in Deep Blue Sea, War Horse, Midnight in Paris, Archipelago, Unrelated and some TV shows, too. But Michelle Panfile and Michelle Higgens, from suburban Philadelphia, have many more reasons beyond the obvious external ones. Michelle Panfile wrote the preamble to their online petition.

I’m going to quote extensively from it because I think it’s really well-written and heart-felt. “Tom Hiddleston is an actor that personifies sexy and we want People Magazine to know it.

 “Sexy by definition is handsome, physically appealing and exciting. 

But sexy is so much more than that. It’s the way a person moves, the way they speak, what they stand for, what they do and how they live. It’s a fierce intelligence that amazes you with its insight. It’s a sense of humor that creates laughter as easily as it relishes it. 

It’s a joyful laugh and a perfect smile. It’s a friendly, pleasant demeanour and a welcoming personality. It is a man who speaks several languages, works tirelessly for his craft and likes to dance.


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