
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Smith, Chris O'Dowd: My looks: the unlikely sex symbols What Matt Smith, Andrew Garfield, Chris O'Dowd, Stephen Mangan and Benedict Cumberbatch think about being unlikely sex symbols (THE GUARDIAN)

Benedict Cumberbatch: 'I look in a mirror and I see all the faults I’ve lived with for 35 years, and yet people go kind of nuts for certain things about me.' Photograph: Spencer Murphy for the Guardian

"Do I like being thought of as attractive? I don't know anyone on Earth who doesn't, but I do find it funny. It's new to me, and I'm sure I'll get used to it and find a way of dealing with it, but at the moment it is quite odd. I look in a mirror and I see all the faults I've lived with for 35 years, and yet people go kind of nuts for certain things about me. It's not me being humble. I just think it's weird. I dislike the size and shape of my head. I've been likened to Sid the sloth from Ice Age… I have a long face, retroussé nose and have been known to be quite camp… I know I don't fit into some archetype. I'm comfortable with it. People have a hindrance if they are extraordinarily beautiful. It can be a problem. You are not given the challenges and then, when you are, all eyes are on you to see if you can pull anything off other than being beautiful to look at."

Chris O'Dowd: 'As guys, we have an easy time. The Hollywood body-conscious thing doesn’t really affect my life.' Photograph: Contour/Getty Images

"I'm 6ft 4in and I like being tall now, but it wasn't so great when I was growing up. I was 6ft when I was 11 and my features hadn't grown around that yet. So I had this big nose, big lips and a giant big rubbery head. I was a foot taller than everyone else, so there was certainly a Quasimodo situation going on. I figured out girls like laughing. So thank God for that physical abnormality. I would walk girls home who would ask about my friend. I was the funny best friend. In terms of stuff I don't like, I don't know where to start. I could get rid of this spare tyre for a start.

'Sex symbol? I don't quite know what to do with it apart from smile and say, "Hurrah!" ' Photograph: Frederike Helwig for the Guardian

"Am I really a sex symbol? I'll take that as a compliment. What can you do about it apart from enjoy the compliment? It's not like it's a tangible thing. "Sex symbol." I don't quite know what to do with it apart from smile and say – if that is indeed the case – "Hurrah!" I shall embrace it with open arms… I don't think I'm handsome enough, I think I'm more of a Bond villain."


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