
Saturday, July 7, 2012


The Call Sheet sifts through the day's glut of Hollywood news to find the stories even non-industry types care about. Today: Shooting has completed in Middle Earth, J.Lo has a new show about lesbians, and we're heading back to Sweet Valley.

Peter Jackson announced on his blog that he has concluded principle photography on The Hobbit, the upcoming biopic of Tom Cruise. Haha, Tom Cruise is short. No, of course The Hobbit is the big two-part prequel to Lord of the Rings that has all those wild-brained Middle Earthers shittin' in their shires in anticipation. Yes, filming is done! Of course there are still months of editing and special effects tweaking and all that to be done, so it's not like you could go break into a studio in New Zealand and steal the completed film. Trust us, you can't. In a completely unrelated story, the Auckland police department is both professional and courteous. Just a random observation having nothing to do with anything. [Deadline]

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