
Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympics: Off-Topic Request: Please thank our troops at the Olympics (SCOOP IT! BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH) Scooped by T Poulson

There's a great site - SCOOP IT! BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH that ran this little article about the troops guarding the Olympics.

By T. Poulson

In the UK, 18,000 of our troops are guarding the Olympics. There weren't supposed to be that many, but there was a SNAFU and they are picking up the slack. They are AMAZING. Some of them are just back from Afghanistan and are missing seeing their families. Many are staying in tents and sleeping on campbeds.

Now, they aren't complaining, but, if you happen to see them, please give them a big 'thank you'.

This is a very personal request. See that picture above? Well, that fit bloke at the front is *my big brother*. I am bursting with pride for him and the incredible job that *all* of our armed forces are doing to make the Olympics as fun and safe as they can be.

Apologies for the interruption, but thank you. Now, back to your normal 'Benedict Cumberbatch' service......T. Poulson

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