
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Richard Armitage:The Hobbit’s Thorin Oakenshield tells us what happens when you get a dwarf drunk (109) Meredith Woerner

The Hobbit's Richard Armitage plays the stoic Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the dwarves and a very strong presence throughout The Hobbit. But how will this lofty, Lordly character play with today's movie audiences? We asked, and Armitage answered — plus find out what other songs we'll be hearing from Armitage in the movie!

Is [The Hobbit] going to be a little bit more musical than The Lord Of The Rings?

Richard Armitage: Yeah, yeah, and there are other songs in it [besides the one we've already heard]. Which I was kind of hoping for. But I thought, "are they gonna shy away from that?" But I think the culture of the dwarves, the dwarves are kind of raucous dirty, filthy beasts. And when they party, they party hard. So there are a few drinking songs in there.

What makes a good drunk?

A smelly dwarf — and boy, do we smell.

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