
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Henry Cavill: The Outsourced Superhero (DETAILS)

Superman-in-waiting Henry Cavill stands for truth, justice, and the not-actually-American way.

In the age of globalization, the Justice League looks more and more like the League of Nations. Consider: Today, Batman and Spider-Man are British; Thor and Wolverine are Australian; Green Hornet, Arrow, and Lantern are Canadian. The latest, and most conspicuous, to join the ranks of outsourced superheroes is Henry Cavill, the 29-year-old star of next summer's Zack Snyder–directed Superman opus, Man of Steel—the quintessential American icon, now portrayed by a native of England's quaint Channel Island of Jersey. Smallville it ain't.

"I suppose it's a fluke," says Cavill, who lives in London. "It's about who looks right for the character and for the generation it's being cast for. If you only look at the American market, you're narrowing down your options an awful lot. The point of acting is to pretend you're someone else and sell a story. Chris Hemsworth is an Australian man, not a god from Asgaard. It would be even more fluke-y if every person who was playing a superhero was American."

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