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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Ray Stevenson: Episode Review: Dexter – “Argentina” JJ MILLER NOVEMBER 21, 2012 (BASED ON NOTHING)
With disappointment over last week’s “Chemistry” still lingering over me, much like a rain cloud does over a crestfallen cartoon character, I flipped on this week’s episode of Dexter (the somewhat cryptically titled “Argentina”) with little enthusiasm and even less expectation of a good episode of television. The episode begins much as any other episode has done in the past, with Dexter and his new girlfriend Hannah chatting over a nice breakfast about the many people they have killed and the ways in wh- Wait. Serial killers talking about homicide over breakfast as if it were yesterday’s news? My interest is piqued (well done Dexter writers), although I’m still not convinced of “Argentina’s” quality. How could I be? After all, it’s only five minutes into the episode.
Cut to Isaak Sirko, who is again out for blood. This time, he manages to fire a few shots in Dex’s direction while our hero(?) is casually picking up his morning doughnuts. How rude. Luckily, Sirko only manages to assassinate a couple iced crullers as his aim seems to have grown slightly rusty during his abbreviated stint in the big house. After nearly losing his head at the doughnut shop, Dexter gets a call from his ex-wife’s parents who have been looking after his young son Harrison. This only serves to complicate Dexter’s life further, as Harrison must return to Miami due to unforeseen circumstances involving Dexter’s father-in-law and a wayward gallstone. Perhaps (definitely) even more unfortunate is the fact that both Astor and Cody, Dex’s step-children, will be accompanying Harrison on the visit. Despite the inconvenient nature of their arrival in Miami, including Astor and Cody in “Argentina” is a welcome connection to Dexter seasons past. For whatever reason, their presence gives the episode a sense of credibility and again I feel I’m being whisked away to the sunny, scary Miami haunted by the Ice Truck Killer.
As I’m being whisked away by these feelings of warm nostalgia, LaGuerta decides she really, really can’t leave well enough alone and decides to dig even further into the closed Bay Harbor Butcher murder cases. She still isn’t convinced her former beau, Sgt. James Doakes (who, lest we forget was also a member of Miami Metro Homicide) acted as the notorious murderer. Her incessant investigation has led her to some long forgotten marina records which unfortunately link Dexter to the BHB murders. She seems to have put all the pieces together and her discovery is looking like it is going to be the highlight of the episode when… BAM! Debra decides this week is the perfect time to tell Dexter she is in love with him.
Yes, you read that right. Debra has admitted to having romantic feelings for her serial killer brother, further proving theirs is the most dysfunctional brother-sister relationship of all time. Dexter, proving yet again he is world’s greatest compartmentalizer, decides this is the perfect time to go kill Isaak.
To be fair, after a revelation like that, you’d want to blow off some steam too. Can’t blame the guy.
Dex stalks Sirko all the way to a swanky bar, which seems relatively deserted. Curiosity gets the better of him and Dexter ends up bar-side with the very man who ruined his Boston Kremes earlier that morning. Again pushing the limits of his curiosity, Dex questions Isaak as to just why he would so casually venture into such a bar at such a time (when so many people want him dead). Isaak responds by casually asking Dexter to take a look around. He does.
It’s a gay bar.
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