
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dan Stevens: Brit star toast of the town Last Updated: 12:37 AM, December 8, 2012 Posted: 12:15 AM, December 8, 2012 (NEW YORK POST)

Debonair “Downton Abbey” star Dan Stevens has become the toast of New York during his run in “The Heiress” with Jessica Chastain. We hear the thespian will be feted at a dinner next month at John DeLucie’s new restaurant Bill’s, thrown by Town & Country’s Jay Fielden. Stevens is profiled in the latest issue, out Tuesday, in which series creator Julian Fellowes says he discovered the actor in a lesser role in a BBC production of “Sense and Sensibility.” “If you can steal ‘Sense and Sensibility’ as Edward Ferrars, one of the dullest parts in the English canon, you have definitely got something,” Fellowes quips.


1 comment:

  1. Fellows is right - DS lent vitality and sexiness to that rather staid adaptation of Sense & Sensibility.
