Thursday, January 10, 2013

Benedict Cumberbatch: How to Listen to Cabin Pressure Series 4

If you’re here on this site, you will doubtless have at least a passing interest in listening to the brand new series that starts tomorrow. Here’s a quick guide for how you can do so…

Broadcast time: Wednesday 9th January 2013 18:30BST on BBC Radio 4

UK Listeners
Tune in to BBC Radio 4 on 92-95 FM, 103-105 FM or 198 LW
Radio 4 is also available on Medium Wave using the following locations as a guide:
Aberdeen – 1449 MW
Belfast – 720 MW
Carlisle – 1485 MW
Cornwall – 756 MW
Enniskillen – 774 MW
London – 720 MW
Londonderry – 720 MW
Newcastle – 603 MW
Plymouth – 774 MW

International Listeners
Despite us Brits being the valiant license fee payers, radio is not treated the same as TV shows by the BBC and Radio is broadcast online for the whole world to enjoy. Regardless of your nationality (with possible exception of North Korea), you can listen live online at:
If, for whatever reason, that fails you, try this one instead which opens as a popup:

Some media players such as Real Player also have radio feeds and you may be able to use those also.

All users will have access to episodes for a minumum of 7 days after their respective broadcasts on the radio section of the BBC iPlayer.

Thorny Issue
Please don’t be tempted to record/download the episodes and make them available online – I know inevitably someone will, but this contravenes the BBC licence. If you want a copy to keep for ever and ever, they will be made available for purchase and won’t be expensive. Let’s face it, it’s worth a couple of quid! Remember that the one thing that drives ANY kind of production is sales, so if you would like continued production, like I do, then buying your own copy would only help the BBC decide to make more!

VISIT THIS SITE to access all the links:

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