
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good and Bad (Spoiler-free) Downton Abbey News Concerning Maggie Smith and Season Four by Julie Miller (VANITY FAIR)

As the headline suggests, both positive and negative updates arrive via post-Edwardian courier today about the popular British drama—although rest easy, they do not relate to Edith’s new marriage or Mrs. Hughes’s delicate health. Still, summon your inner American courage.

In disappointing news, despite PBS’s halfhearted comment about maybe possibly finding a way to broadcast Downton Abbey closer to the drama’s U.K. air dates, the series will likely continue to run in the U.S. nearly four months after it does overseas. The reason, it seems, is mostly our fault, for nearly doubling the show’s season-premiere ratings earlier this month. Had we made a pact beforehand to resist the premiere as part of a long-term strategy to reduce this annual Bates-ian prison-sentence delay, PBS chief Paula Kerger may have been motivated to schedule the next season this fall.


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