
Monday, January 28, 2013

MATTHEW MADFADYEN: A Modest Defense Of Matthew MacFadyen's Darcy (HUFF POST BLOG)

Rebecca Harrington

I will admit, the first time I saw Joe Wright's 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, I walked out of the theater in a fit of rage.

"The climatic scene took place outside in a garden? And it rained?" I screamed at my friend on the walk back home. "What is this crap, Jane Eyre?

My friend muttered in agreement.

"Also, changing the words of Jane Austen ever so slightly? Who does he think he is? Does he think he's cleverer than Jane Austen? He is not!" I said. I kept uttering versions of these two sentiments for the rest of evening. Really, I am a boring friend.

Flash forward several years, when I recently rewatched the film while feeling especially sick and lying prone on my couch. I still had much of the same feelings I had the first time. Why did so much of it take place outside? Why were Keira's bangs plastered onto her forehead like she was also sick?

But I was also granted another revelation about the film, and that was that Matthew MacFadyen was a great Darcy. Possibly the best I've ever seen.

I think there are two ways to interpret the character of Darcy. Explicitly, of course, he is motivated by a sense of genuine superiority. He is both cool and arrogant-- only able to get his comeuppance from meeting his intellectual equal. But I think one can give equal and perhaps more naturalistic weight to the idea that Darcy's behavior is motivated by a fundamental awkwardness. He is, we know, an anti-social man. He has few friends or aquaintances he enjoys.

When we first meet Darcy, he is refusing to dance and surveying the women in the room rather too harshly. "She is tolerable," he says to Bingley about Elizabeth, "but not handsome enough to tempt me." This sentiment is on the face of it arrogant, but it is also bespeaks a tremendous awkwardness. Who goes to a dance only to ridicule the other people there? Nerds, that is who. Popular kids, like Mr. Bingley et al, usually dance when asked. Darcy's first proposal scene, which many interpret as an immodest display of power, could really be the indelicate verbal vomit of someone unused to behaving in a socially normal way.


  1. So true, did Kiera wash only monthly? And the woodwork of the home (doors & door jams) were so filthy. But as for Matthew, I first admired his work on MI-5 so I knew I was going to enjoy him and he & Kiera played well off one another. Who wouldn't play well off Mr. McFayden!?! He is my favorite Darcy as well as Elliot Cowan (Lost in Austen). The way Elliot teased and played Jemma with his eyes and his ability to get in her space...genius. Now I am a huge Colin Firth fan but not as Darcy. I blame the director for that though.

  2. That bothered me as well. Everyone looked messy, except for Bingley and Caroline. I guess that was to show they were rich. And Keira not wearing a bonnet or gloves was odd. They had to put a bonnet on her in church, but she didn't wear gloves at the ball, and I think that would have been very bad for a young girl to do - bare hand touching! I agree with everything you said. I loved Colin's version because it was so true to the book. I loved Matthew's Darcy because it was, well, Matthew.
