
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Game of Thrones Actor’s Ear Bitten Off During Brutal Attack Taylor Berman (GAWKER)

British actor Clive Mantle, best known stateside for playing Greatjon Umber on HBO's Game of Thrones, was brutally attacked by two men outside a hotel early Sunday morning in Newcastle, England. The incident occurred after the six-foot, five-inch actor asked fellow guests at a Travelodge to keep the noise down. The two rambunctious guests disagreed with Mantle and, rather than quieting down, decided instead to bite the actor's ear off.

As Bryn Newton, Mantle's agent, described it to the Mirror UK (so, grain of salt warning):

His agent, Bryn Newton, said: "On the first occasion, he'd said ‘can you keep the noise down please?' He was very polite. It was 4.30 in the morning and he was very tired. He returned to bed but when he went back outside there were two drunken Scotsmen. He said to them ‘If you don't keep the noise down I am going to call security' That's when they set about him. Even though he is a big guy they got him on the ground."

"One of them bit the top part of his right ear off. It was savage."


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