
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dear Jack Davenport: I love you - By thegoodshipdestiel at 6:00 pm, July 5, 2013 | Reviewed by Karen Rought (HYPABLE)

With the recent cancellation of NBC’s Smash, I can no longer look forward to seeing the marvelous British actor Jack Davenport on my television screen.

I have been actively following his career since the first time I stumbled upon BBC’s Coupling one fateful day many years ago and have always been pleased to see him pop up in various series and movies.

I consider him to be one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood and sincerely hope that no longer being committed to a series gives him ample time to attack new projects. I will certainly be on the lookout for his next starring role, but in the meantime I would like to share with those who may be unaware some of the many reasons that Jack Davenport is awesome.

#2 – He was so likeable that he wrote himself into a huge movie franchise
From the sassy Commodore in The Curse of the Black Pearl to the self-sacrificing Admiral in At World’s End, this bad guy turned good guy turned drunk guy turned good guy is hard not to love. While Norrington was only intended to be in the first film, the character was so liked by audiences and critics that he was kept around far longer. Props must go to Jack Davenport, who made us love him even when he was trying to hang our beloved anti-hero.

#1 – He made some of the best observational relationship rants you never would
If you have not seen this show, you have no idea what you are missing. I have seen every episode numerous times and it never stops being hysterical. Before Steven Moffat helmed Doctor Who, he penned this beloved British sitcom in the early 2000s. Jack Davenport plays Steve, one of six friends who get themselves into some of the stickiest situations you could imagine. The dialogue, the acting, and the plots of this brilliant series will have you laughing until your sides hurt.


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