
Monday, July 8, 2013

Hugh Grant: Long live Belarus! (BELSAT TV)

Hugh Grant and Andrey Sannikau, phot.

The renowned British actor expresses his support to Belarusian political prisoners.

“I would like to express my support to the people of Belarus who are fighting against the last oppressive dictatorship in Europe. I share the hope of everyone in the West that Belarus becomes a free country as soon as possible. I would like to send special words of support and respect to the brave Belarusians who are fighting oppression - people such as Zmicer Dashkevich, Nikolai Statkevich, Ales Bialiatski, Nikolai Avtukhovich, Igor Olinievich and others - all thrown in jail for their convictions. I would like to remind Belarusians fighting for basic freedoms that there is massive solidarity with your cause all over the world. Zhyvie Belarus!” Charter’ 97 quotes Mr Grant as saying.

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