
Thursday, September 19, 2013

'Broadchurch': Arthur Darvill on Working With David Tennant and 'Heartbreaking' End (Q&A)(some spoilers)

1:45 PM PDT 9/18/2013 by Philiana Ng

With time slipping away and the murder of Danny Latimer still unsolved, Broadchurch is feeling the pressure.

THR caught up with (Arthur) Darvill, who was in New York during his run on Broadway's Once the Musical to discuss his character, the final two episodes of the season and going toe to toe with fellow Doctor Who alum David Tennant.

How are things at Once the Musical?

It’s great. I’ve just been, like, singing a lot. (Laughs.) And playing guitar. I feel like I’m actually in a band. I feel much cooler than I actually am.

Did you ever think that you’d be doing something like that at this point in your career?

No. I mean it’s really silly, where people go, “What do you do?” “I’m in the lead in a Broadway musical …” It’s a really, really silly thing that I still can’t get used to coming out of my mouth. I think it’ll hit me when I’ve left, but I’m having the time of my life. It’s brilliant.

How different have Broadchurch and Once been for you?

I tell you what, the whole reason why I love doing this is the whole variety of roles. I’ve got a chance to play a real variety of different people. I haven’t gotten stuck in any one thing. That’s the real worry with actors, that you’ll just be seen as one thing. The stuff I’ve got to do the past couple years have been so wildly different from each other. It keeps you interested and it’s just really good fun.

Last week’s episode had an intense confrontation between you and David Tennant, wherein Hardy is interrogating Paul. What was your take on that moment?

It was a well-written scene. Paul Coates has never been in a police station in that way before. He has to remain impartial but I don’t think he likes Alec. They have a personality clash to start with. I love that line, “Don’t question my faith because you have none.” It’s an emotional response from him and it really shows that he does have quite a strong faith and it guides him and it’s important to him. It revealed a lot about Paul in that he can step up and go, “Actually you’re in the wrong.” It comes from an emotional place, and I think as someone who can’t always respond emotionally, it’s a good insight into how he is as a person. I’m sure I just waffled my way through that answer.

It must be odd to still be talking about a show that has already aired in the U.K. and that you shot so long ago.

(Laughs.) It was filmed a year ago. I’ve watched it once ages ago, so I can’t remember what happens in it. It was funny, when I was watching it, I obviously knew what happens but because it was such a big ensemble piece, we all got quite close; we’ve got lots of friends who are in it and people who I admire doing some great work. We didn’t get to see everyone do their scenes, so I got completely hooked watching it -- to the point where I forgot I was in it, and then I’d pop up and go, “I know what happens in this bit, let’s get on to the next bit.” I just think it’s such a brilliant piece of TV. I came over to New York before the last two episodes [aired in the U.K. in April] and I was going mad. I had to have my agent send me copies of the DVD because I needed to see the [end] and she was like, “You know what happens.” “I know, but I need to see it!” It’s a testament to it being a good piece of telly.


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