
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Judi Dench had to watch Philomena clip with the woman she portrays

October 17th, 2013 3:11am EDT | By: Dave Simpson


She explains, "The most traumatic thing for me was when we had the wrap party. We were all sitting around and I was talking to Philomena and then they suddenly said, 'Here's a bit of the film'. And Philomena was sitting next to me with her hand on my shoulder and we were watching this thing.

"I can't remember anything about that bit of film, all I remember is when the little boy came on I heard her say, 'Ah, God love him, look at him'. And I was terribly aware of her hand on my shoulder because this is somebody's personal story and you don't want to under-dramatise it and you don't want to over-dramatise it; you just want to be true to it. So that is the responsibility I felt."

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