
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tom Hiddleston Takes Acting Very Seriously & 9 Other Things His Nuffield Theater Q&A Teaches Us


While everyone in America celebrated the Oscars on Sunday, the film industry’s sweetheart Tom Hiddleston was doing a Q&A at the Nuffield Theatre in England. The small event was for members of the theater, (who can congratulate themselves on scoring quite a few fangirls as patrons, now) and was dedicated to hearing Hiddleston’s thoughts on acting, theater, and the arts in general.

I’ve always known Hiddleston loved all aspects of acting, but this Q&A really highlighted that enthusiasm. Although the event was closed to cameras or recording devices, thanks to several Hiddlestoners who attended, fans can read re-caps of the questions asked and what Hiddleston had to say about the arts. (And even without video of the event, all this is right in line with his general attitude towards taking acting seriously.) “Tom is seriously passionate [about] acting,” one attendee told me.

In fact, Hiddleston divulged that he initially joined the industry because it had essentially overtaken his life. “I slowly realized it had begun to take up all of my time,” he told the crowd. Although he focused on acting for the most part, Hiddleston also threw some feminism in there, referencing Emma Watson’s HeForShe campaign and reportedly saying, “Women and men should be allowed to be whoever they are without restriction.”

And as if that wasn’t wonderful enough, according to fans who were there, here is exactly how dedicated to the theater arts Hiddleston is.

He Doesn’t Drink at the Theater

According to Tumblr user l0kilee, who wrote an in-depth recap of the event, Hiddleston doesn’t get why some playhouses serve alcohol. “I never understood wanting to be in a lesser state of awareness in a theatre,” he said.

Truth is the Lifeblood of Acting

L0kilee revealed that Hiddleston found it hard to identify with Hank Williams for I Saw the Light, because Hiddleston couldn’t relate to Williams’ alcoholism. “I love my life too much,” Hiddleston said of why it was difficult to understand putting himself in that situation.

He’s Not a Method Actor

Hiddleston says he doesn’t subscribe to that idea because director feedback is too important for him to stay completely in character. But Tumblr user HiddleMemes says Hiddleston admitted he sometimes stays in his character’s voice between takes.

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