
Monday, February 2, 2015

Will Tom Hiddleston Be At The 2015 Oscars? Let's Keep Our Fingers Crossed

February 2, 2015

My favorite time of year, awards season, is slowly coming to an end. Now I have to actually start being a responsible human being and think about things other than mani-cams, embarrassing red carpet interviews, and possible Lupita Nyong’o and Jared Leto canoodling sessions. Actually the latter won’t end for me because I am convinced it is true love. Anyway, none of this has to happen until the day after Feb. 22, the day of the 2015 Oscars. So now, I can proudly and unabashedly continue my very important inquiries like: will Tom Hiddleston be the Oscars this year?

We here at Bustle have quite a loving history with Tom Hiddleston, and he is one of the few celebs whose positive attitude and beautiful face continue to make everyone smile because… just look at him! While we have speculated about Hiddleston’s appearance at this years Golden Globes and SAG Awards, Hiddleston was a no-show to both of the events which isn’t a good sign for the Oscars, but I, for one, refuse to lose hope!

Jessica Chastain, his co-star in the upcoming Crimson Peak, has been making the rounds for her role in A Most Violent Year and they have become the cutest of karaoke friends, so I like to think that Hiddles will be on hand at the Oscars to celebrate and promote along with her. (He has another very close celeb friend, too, but we can get into that later.)

My final hope is that since the list for the 2015 Oscars presenters has yet to be released, it could very well include Hiddleston. But, in case he and his publicist/whoever is out there reading this desperate plea, here are some of the reasons why he should definitely be there this year.

To Support His BFF

Benedict Cumberbatch, also known as one half of the greatest actor bromance of all time, HiddleBatch, has been out and about on the carpets for his nominations for The Imitation Game. Since Cumberbatch has been nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, it only makes sense that his BFF will be there by his side for emotional support, whether it’s to help celebrate or drown in his sorrows, because thats what friends are for.

To Promote His Upcoming Films

We are about to see a lot more of Hiddleston on the big screen in 2015 seeing as he has four movies scheduled to be released. It only makes sense that he start promoting some of these ahead of time, even though I have a feeling he won’t need that much help to make them successful. He could also use the Oscars to shmooze with some future collaborators over some cocktails because he needs to start lining up 2016!


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