Monday, July 4, 2011


Twitter is a funny thing for me. I was not convinced about a year ago and now I find it fascinating! If you're interested in celebrities, that's the place to be.

My original interest stemmed from the fact that I heard that David Oakes was a big tweeter, so naturally I had to join. It has been quite interesting trying to connect with these celebrities.

The strangest thing that has ever happened to me occurred because of Twitter. I started following Dan Stevens in October of last year and at that time he had about 200 followers so he was very accessible, he's one of those celebs that is very friendly, and actually answers your Tweets.

One day I made a comment to him about not having a Facebook page and he told me to 'feel free to start one'. I asked him if he was joking and he said, 'not at all, I'm perfectly serious'. I replied that I could be some crazy, stalker fan and he said, 'no you're alrigtht'. So I told him I would look into it, since I had never done anything like that before and had no idea what was involved.

I did some inquiries and decided it was something I could certainly handle. So I started working on it, the hardest part was putting all his biography in, he impressed me from the start with the amount of work he has done, after all he's only 28 yeard old. A babe.

It took me a couple of days and I was all set. I tweeted him to let him know to take a look and I got an almost immediate response. 'Wow! That's great!' he said. He thanked me about 3 times publicly and about 4 via PMs. He was very sweet and grateful. Although, he did let me know he disliked the picture I had chosen for his avatar. I asked if he was being difficult already and he laughed and said if I could be so kind as to change it, since he 'loathed' that photo. So I did.

We have had some nice interactions over Twitter. He promised he would plug the page every now and then and has done so a couple of times, staying true to his word. He is a very lovely man. Always saying thank you and saying how much he appreciates me doing this for him. He has also found a link for me once, and retweeted for Karen's 'Darcy and Fitzwilliam' book (after some struggle to retweet). I don't think you can find many celebrities that would do such things.

He actually told someone that has a blog on Moms about me!!! I almost fell out of my chair. This particular lady was lucky enough to meet him at a book signing and snap a picture with him. I asked for her permission to post it to Facebook and she told that Dan talked to them about me, ommigod! That made my day to be sure. See I told you he was sweet.

The day after the Downton Abbey premiere here in the US a whole bunch of followers, myself included, sent him Tweets about how wonderful he was etc. He took the time to respond to each and everyone of us, using our actual name mind you and thanking us for watching and commenting to him. He did use my name, Patricia.

For me it is just surreal. I mean, here I am in the middle of nowhere America, little old me, and there he is, this up and coming, gorgeous, lovely, talented British actor and I'm communicating almost in a friendly way with him!! It is definitely not something I could ever envision myself doing, much less with the approval of the actor.

That's my story on Dan Stevens and why he's one of my very favorite celebrities. I'll tell you about my other interactions on Twitter, with David and John on another blog!

Did I mention how much I love Twitter? Technology is indeed a wonderful thing!


Karen V. Wasylowski said...

You always seem to get responses from these celebrities, Pat. Usually I just get a court order.

Patricia said...

Haha Karen! I don't know how it happens, but it's very cool!!

Anonymous said...

what is Dan Stevens Twitter account, i want to follow him as well.