When MTV News visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter's celebration of the "Deathly Hallows Part 2" DVD and Blu-ray release, we asked your favorite actors what they miss most about working on the eight-film fantasy epic. The answers we received were unanimous: the "Potter" cast miss one another.

"I miss hanging out with the guys," lamented Oliver Phelps, one-half of the hilarious Weasley twins. "A Harry Potter film isn't like a normal movie. It's stretched out for nine months, it's big-budget ... but we'd all just have fun, though. It's not like there's all this stress to do anything. I miss hanging out with everyone all the time. But we still keep in contact and I know we'll continue to do that."
"It was a really nice atmosphere," agreed Jesse Cave, who played Ron Weasley's obsessive stalker Lavender Brown. "And I've worked in some horrible atmospheres. This was like being on a holiday. It was nice to be treated nice!"

For actors Devon Murray and Alfie Enoch, who starred in all eight "Potter" movies as Gryffindor supporting players Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, respectively, leaving the franchise behind was like saying goodbye to family.

"It was a real family, to use a cliché," Enoch said. "It's the only real way of describing it to people who weren't there. It was such a tight-knit group. I miss being around with everyone."

But even though the story's been told, the journey isn't over. Rupert Grint, for one, sees a bright side to the end of "Potter."

"It was a very sad day, the day we finished," he admitted. "[But] it's so great that we have these events where we can meet up now and again and relive all the good times."

Check out everything we've got on "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2."
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