Monday, May 21, 2012

Sir Ian McKellen wows Theatre Royal (NELSONMAIL.CO.NZ)

In the darkened theatre a noisy symphonic fanfare heralds the voice of Gandalf the Grey, disguised as the renowned thespian Sir Ian McKellen.

He's a slender, fit-looking man, moving with an ease that defies his years (he'll be 73 on Friday) and he carries a long sword – Glamdring.

Gandalf/McKellen re-enacts the escape from the mines of Moria across the narrow stone Bridge of Khazad-dum.

The fellowship members dash across the narrow stone bridge, leaving Gandalf to deal with one last foe.

Although the others escape, the wizard stays to face the Balrog, Durin's Bane, whom he sends to the abyss, only to be dragged down himself by a last twitch of the monster's whip.

A convincing performance despite the street clothes and the lack of props.

In the movie (and the book), Gandalf is thought lost forever, but of course he returns, cleansed, as Gandalf the White.

In the Theatre Royal, he just continues to play the part of Sir Ian McKellen.

McKellen took a very literal view of Shakespeare's quote "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

There's never a time when we're not acting, he said.

From the time we choose our clothes in the morning, until we go to bed at night, we play our part, depending on the audience – family, workmates, or in his case a movie camera or a theatre full of people.

After the opening drama, he invited audience members to come and hold the sword.

And so they did, more than 20 dashed up – this was an audience that wanted to be loved.


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