Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Clive Owen won't let daughters see Closer (THE PRESS ASSOCIATION)

Clive Owen doesn't want his daughters to ever see his film Closer, no matter how old they are.

The Sin City star played a misogynistic womaniser in the racy film, co-starring Julia Roberts and Natalie Portman, and wouldn't want his children with actress Sarah-Jane Fenton - Hannah, 15, and Eve, 13 - to see him like that.

"I don't care if they're 35, I don't want them to see that one," quotes the Daily Telegraph.

Meanwhile, the 47-year-old Children Of Men star has confessed he hates fame.

Clive complained to the Daily Mail's Live magazine: "I never wanted to be a movie star. And I didn't become an actor to become famous. I genuinely didn't. It was always theatre for me.

"Chancer (the 90s TV show in which he made his name) was a baptism of fire. It's very weird to go from obscurity to suddenly being in newspapers.

READ MORE: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5hZ3cmbKMZp5hrvSJ_q2MdxoOJnVw?docId=N0439501344861149033A

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