
Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Live Worry Free

Today's post is in conjunction with the Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour, a fantastic blog hop that brings together bloggers of all genres, backgrounds and locations.  Do stop by and say hello plus some of us are having giveaways and contests. Enjoy! 
Websites listed below.

This is my take on the subject. This has been quite a stressful time for me, my father is ill and has had two visits to the hospital, I’m almost like a single parent, my husband is gone quite a bit, I have to girls that are very busy, with sports, friends and other things.

Having said all this, I have realized that if I don’t do something to take care of myself I’m just going to go crazy! When my father’s problems started I was so stressed out thinking about how I was going to take care of him, plus do all the other things that being a parent involves, I would lay awake just running things through my head.

I’ve never been an overly active person, luckily I have never had to worry about my weight either and it’s probably because my parents are very sedentary also, so there was never much motivation, although I did take the occasional tennis lesson, horseback riding and swimming. But I never stuck with any of those things long enough. I wish I would have.

After all these stressful events, I decided to start working out, which I haven’t done consistently for many years, I have done that as a physical activity more than any other sport or pastime.

I’m so happy I decided to go that route, I can not imagine how I would be feeling right now if I hadn’t started and it has helped me to get in better shape naturally. I am doing some kind of aerobics three times a week and have been enjoying bike rides and swimming also lately, I try to do something every day.

The aerobics include weights, so I have also gained some muscles which in turn makes me look and feel much better in general. I’m no spring chicken, so for me it’s a fabulous feeling to feel so good at my age! (I’m not that old either.)

Another thing that I find really helps to relieve stress is the whole internet experience. I have never been a celebrity follower, per se, and only since last year and thanks mostly to Matthew Macfadyen I started doing the Twitter and Facebook thing.

I’m also a fan of Jane Austen fan fiction. This also provides a great distraction for me, I have found a site that I enjoy and can feel a part of without being too cozy with the rest of the members, that backfired big time last year in my experience and I swore I would never put myself in that position again. So I participate, but I keep my distance.

Of course, I also enjoy the time with my family, but sometimes they drive me crazy and I need an escape from that too. My friends provide support and their friendship.

As anything in life I think it’s a matter of balancing things, sometimes it’s easier said than done, but you should always try to do the best you can to take care of yourself. This last year I have learned the importance of that. My older sister had a heart transplant, after almost dying and she also underwent a bone marrow transplant recently and credits her general well being for how well she tries to take care of her body, eating right and exercising.

Live and learn.


1. Janki -
2. Shelley -


  1. Pat you amaze me. You are a great friend, a great mother and a wonderful writer.

  2. Good for you! Now here's my question: I similarly cannot stop the constant thoughts running through my head and I find they get worse when I'm exercising because my mind is clear for them to take over. How do you shush the mind buzz when you work out?

  3. Exercise is great when stressed. I need to do more yoga. And if anyone ever finds a way to shut off your mind, without meds or death... let me know!!
    And can I just say... Matthew McFadyen, yum. James McAvoy... yum! I love this page. ;)

  4. Thank you for the lovely comments. Shelley and Caledonia, I don't know if I can explain how I shut everything out, I just do. I understand what you're asking. I wish I could have some more specific answer. Just doing the activity is a stress reliever.

    Karen, you're very kind and a great friend too.

  5. great post nice being on the same blog tour with you

  6. Its amazing how we all share somethings in common. Nice post and nice meeting you on this tour.

  7. Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever. Great post, good writing. I shut the noise by praying when I do Yoga. :))

  8. the easy way for me to shut down a busy mind is to write, once you write it down the you have done something about the stressor, and you have control of it so your mine can rest of do other things. love your post aand thank you for being on the tour god bless
