
Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today's post is in conjunction with the Blog-A-Licious Blog Tour, a fantastic blog hop that brings together bloggers of all genres, backgrounds and locations.  Do stop by and say hello plus some of us are having giveaways and contests. Enjoy! 
Websites listed below.

By: Patricia

Undoubtedly my treasures are my two daughters. Where would I be without them? Even though I complain all the time that they drive me crazy, truth is, they also keep me young.
For example my 14 year old, my oldest, is starting to be very interested in boys and she currently has a few guy friends that she texts all the time.

This provides much conversation in a household full of women and we speculate and laugh and talk about guys, it’s a good opportunity for me to breach some topics with her, like how to treat a guy the right way, especially if he is nice, even though you might not be interested in anything other than friendship and to respect the other person’s feelings, but also how to watch for things that don’t seem right. Kind of scary.

She has this one particular ‘friend’ which I suspect she feels more than friendship towards, and she talks about him ALL the time. I can tell when she’s texting him, she has this annoyed look upon her face, he knows how to push her buttons, that’s for sure. I like the boy, even though he’s a couple of years older, in teenage years that’s a big gap, but my daughter is more mature than most, otherwise I’m sure he wouldn’t give her the time of day.

The funny thing is that they talk day and night but don’t speak to each other in person, even though they see each other every single day. He’s very shy. They are in the same swim team and usually compete in the same events, in different age groups of course. I check her phone to make sure nothing inappropriate is going on and I told his mother, who is very nice, that I will continue doing it. She agrees with the measure. I have nothing to object thus far.

On the contrary, I’m quite impressed with him, he uses very ‘grown-up’ words, not a usual thing in teens, or adults for that matter. He seems to be a good kid, has two younger brothers and is nice to them. No hint of romantic inclinations either, maybe he’s smart enough to realize that she’s too young. I don’t object to the friendship. Actually, I see him as someone I would like her to have around, an older brother type, to watch over her.

My little one is 10 and is a handful. Full of energy and easy mannered, most of the time. She’s in a bit of the drama stage right now, and sometimes I feel bad and think I’m a bit too harsh with her, because she really is a very loving, generous girl. I just don’t like to see other people hurt her feelings for no reason.

We had a mishap with the little neighbor across the street and that has been sort of awkward and hurtful. I shed a few tears at seeing her excluded and being miserable during what is supposed to be fun summer times. The girl’s parents have the attitude that ‘kids are kids’ and are going to fight, but this was very vicious and no one has apologized to me or her for the way they treated her.

I said to her that she can play with the girl if she’s being nice, but not to think of her as a best friend, because obviously she doesn’t think that of her. The parents are giving me the evil eye, go figure. I’m not saying my daughter is a saint, far from it, but she was the most injured party in this. Oh well.

As you see, I have plenty of drama to keep me going, with a teen and pre-teen in the house, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see and appreciate what I have. It keeps life interesting and fun. I look forward to seeing the people they will become as adults.

My girls are my true treasures!



  1. Lovely post, I always love stories about parents-children. They remind me so much of my own parents. :-)

    I came over from the blog-a-licious tour.

    But you might want to change the settings of your blog such that when someone wants to comment, it doesn't come in a pop-up window. Some browsers have pop-up blockers that will prevent other people from posting.

  2. I couldnt agree more Karen. Children are beyond treasure, they are that part of you that it is unbearable to think of being without.
    Ooops, sorry, just got distracted by seeing a mention of Henry Cavill in the margin...may just have to click the link.
    Grace x
    PS I blame you for distracting me!

  3. Hi Karen - very nice post, it's clear you love your girls very much! :)

  4. David, I dearly wish they were my girls. These are two bright, lovely, sweet young ladies. But they are the daughters of my co-pilot in crime, Patricia.

    I have dogs.

  5. Hi Karen, I myself am a mother of 15 year old daughter and can relate to what you have said about your elder one....It also reminds me of my teenage years....

  6. Thank you kindly for all the lovely comments. I'm glad you enjoy to read my blogs. dilman, thank you for the tip, we'll work on it.

  7. Stopping by from the Tour. Absolutely love your Treasures In Your Life. We can all learn so much from our children if we just take the time to listen, watch, and react in their best interest. You're a great parent! Thanks for sharing... ~Janet~
