Thursday, October 11, 2012

**SPOILERS** Star Trek Into Darkness Movie Spoilers and Rumors: Benedict Cumberbatch is Gary Mitchell Jesse Merke (POLICY MIC)

(WARNING: Major possible, quite likely spoilers ahead!!)

Ever since the Star Trek reboot hit theaters in 2009 and successfully rebooted the franchise, people have been wondering what's next for the born again franchise. While it was initially rumored that Benicio Del Toro would be cast as the bad guy, a few months ago it was announced that British actor Benedict Cumberbatch had been cast as the villain in the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness, which is due in theaters next May.

When Del Toro’s name was initially being floated, people believed that director J.J. Abrams was going to bring back the legendary Khan character, which is considered by many to be the greatest villain in the entire Star Trek franchise. Many Star Trek fans (including myself) believed that bringing back Khan Noonien Singh would be a serious mistake, mainly because of the fact that it is believed that no one will ever be able to do better than Ricardo Maltoban’s. Remember seeing Heath Ledger portray the joker, and just knowing that that no one could ever do it better? Yeah. That.

However, after announcing that Benedict Cumberbatch was brought on board, another original series villain name began to circulate: Gary Mitchell. Cumberbatch is currently most well known for portraying the character of Sherlock Homes in the British television series Sherlock.

Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell first appeared in the original series episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before." He was Captain Kirk’s best friend, who ended up receiving god-like powers through an accident and became a serious threat to the Enterprise and her crew. Gary Lockwood, who also appeared in the Sci Fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, originally portrayed Mitchell.

So why believe that Benedict Cumberbatch will portray Gary Mitchell in Star Trek Into Darkness? There are a few reasons...

Late last year, sources close to the producers of the new movie revealed to and other websites that the new villain would be an reboot of an original series character:

“It’s definitely a character that will make fans of TOS excited. Think along the likes of Harry Mudd, or Trelane, or Gary Mitchell, or the Talosians or the Horta. Actually, it’s one of those that I named.”

Star Trek fans, you may now begin salivating!


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