Monday, October 8, 2012

What Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch really thinks of Elementary The actor says he’s been consistently misquoted and taken out of context regarding the US Holmes update – so we let him set the record straight (RADIO TIMES) Paul Jones 12:45 PM, 08 October 2012

Benedict Cumberbatch on Elementary

“Under no circumstances would I want Jonny to have anything but a rip-roaring success because, first and foremost, he is my friend, and we’re both actors and while it’s very gratifying to be told that you are such-and-such a Sherlock Holmes, this is one role, this is one incarnation – and I know it’s why we’re all here tonight – but you can’t take possession of it. He’s the 72nd, I’m the 71st, the 70th was Robert Downey Jr.

“I made a joke, which I shouldn’t have done. I made a joke, which never translates – humour, generally, out of context doesn’t translate well, that’s one of the lessons I’ve learnt this summer whilst doing lots of talking (I did it talking about Parade’s End).

“I have to be careful about mentioning anything which could be vaguely misinterpreted, but that doesn’t take away from the absolute truth of what I’m saying which is that I’ve seen [Elementary] and it's absolutely fantastic – and the bit where you find out that the killer is, in fact… – it’s really good you should all watch it.

“[Jonny Lee Miller is] phenomenal; he’s completely different; he’s far more contained. He’s stunning to watch as well – he’s just a beautiful specimen, Jonny – and he really knows what he’s doing, he’s completely got under his skin and it’s another Sherlock for he 21st century.

“Was I cynical about them going to him and asking [given that we had worked together on Frankenstein]? Yeah, but I’ve yet to go and talk to them about where their original thoughts came from to cast him, but I know for a fact that they kept on going back to him so he must have knocked it out of the park in the auditions.


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