Sunday, January 20, 2013

David Tennant Is Geek Smash Readers’ Favorite Doctor! (GEEK SMASH)

It really is no surprise that the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant was chosen as the winner of Geek Smash’s “Which Doctor Is Your Favorite?” survey. He received 29% of the votes. Christopher Eccleston, The Ninth Doctor, came in second with 14%. Fourth Doctor Tom Baker followed close with 12% The current, Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, came in with 8%.

Why, though? What makes David Tennant more special than Eccleston? Okay, I personally like the Ninth Doctor. He’s more macho, more of a soldier than his successors (I’m not too familiar with the classic Doctors just yet). Considering the long hiatus through the 90′s, and the fact that David Tennant’s reign as the iconic Time Lord was longer than the other, newer Doctors, I think he is still stuck in everybody’s mind as being THE Doctor.


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